
Bringing you the latest in height safety news!

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These articles are here to keep you up to date with the latest industry news and height safety legislation, as well as showcase new product releases and promotions

It’s meant to be everything you need to know about height safety, confined space and rescue all conveniently in one place.

Plus there’s our personal favourite: “Dangerous Things We See Onsite".

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What’s New From Petzl – 2018

Petzl first started manufacturing products under the Petzl brand in the mid-1970’s. Fernand Petzl, an avid caver originally designed and sold equipment for ascending, descending and belaying. The range quickly evolved and by 1990 the first of the professional range was introduced.

Since then the Petzl has become synonymous with height safety and in particular rope access. With the introduction of the iconic descender, the I’D in 2000 and the ASAP, as a replacement for the popular but misused shunt (and that’s a whole different story), Petzl have been at the forefront of innovation and development for many years.

New in 2018

2018 see’s the introduction of a range of new products as well as refinement of a number of existing ones. Most notable for the rope access technicians is the introduction of the Petzl ASTRO BOD FAST and the release of the ASAP’SORBER AXESS a new absorber for the ASAP and ASAP Lock.


The Astro Bod Croll Fast Harness replaces the European version of the Avao Bod Croll Fast and is designed strictly with the rope access technician in mind. Some of the key features

  • The introduction of an openable ventral attachment point to allow direct attachment of equipment without the need for extra connectors
  • Replacement of the alloy side D’s with less bulky textile loops rated for work positioning
  • Redesign of all the adjustment buckles including the addition of self-locking buckles between the waist belt and the leg loops
  • The Astro Bod Fast is almost 20% lighter than the Avao Bod Croll Fast weighing in at 1900 grams for the Size 1.
Petzl-Astro-Loops Petzl-Astro-Front

The ASAP’SORBER AXESS has taken the place of the Absorbica L57 for use with the ASAP or ASAP LOCK as the preferred shock absorber for rope access technicians. The key features of this lanyard are

  • Designed to attach to the sternal point with enough length (40cm) to keep the rope at a distance while using
  • Rated for 2 person rescue load of up to 250kg

Both these products compliment Petzl’s existing range of rope access and rescue equipment.
A snapshot of their available products can be viewed online. For the full range of Petzl products contact Height Dynamics. Free catalogues are available on request.

Call Height Dynamics on 07 3862 2533