Dangerous Anchors – Part 5

Enough is Enough! Say No to Dangerous Anchors Another set of examples of dangerous fall arrest anchors tagged safe for use…!!! Does someone have to die before the Height Safety Industry is taken to task for allowing anchors like these to be certified? Height safety systems, such as these examples, have the potential to cause […]

AEFAC Certified Installations

More and more it is becoming evident that the height safety industry needs stronger standards and controls relating to installation, inspection and re-certification of height safety systems. Height Dynamics understands that even the best height safety system on the market is still only as good as the person who installed it. To achieve the highest […]

Dangerous Installations Part 4

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland and key players within South East Queensland Height Safety Industry have been holding regular meetings. The meetings have taken place to ensure that the interpretation of the WHS Act 2011 and the relevant parts of AS1891.4 and AS4488.2 is clear and that the responsibility of installers, users and owners of […]