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These articles are here to keep you up to date with the latest industry news and height safety legislation, as well as showcase new product releases and promotions

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Stop the Drops – Fall Prevention for Tools

Did you know?

A 220g spanner dropped 23m hits with 50kg – That’s a full tool box!

A 2kg wrench dropped 6m hits with 117kg force – That’s a cement mixer!

According to statistics released by Safe Work Australia there have been 125 workplace fatalities and 15,410 Serious Workers Compensations Claims between 2010 and 2014 caused by dropped objects. This equates to approximately one death every two weeks.

In response to these alarming statistics, Dropped Object legislation was introduced in the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011. Safe Work Australia also issued the Falling Objects Fact Sheet providing guidance on managing the risks posed by falling objects.

According to Safe Work Australia dropped objects have caused 125 fatalities between 2010 and 2014. This is approximately one death every two weeks.

Over the last few years Height Dynamics have been instrumental in creating awareness of the risk one of the biggest hazards in industry. We have been actively promoting the use of tool lanyards and tethering and are excited to showcase one of the latest products available from Technique Solutions, a specialist manufacturer of drop tool products.

Technique Solutions STOP the DROPS EWP Tool Bucket is an innovative new product designed for transporting tools and materials. It can be carried either as a backpack or using the handles that are rated to lift up to 80kgs. These mean the bag can be winched or hand hauled up or down to the worksite.

The bucket is self supporting and comes equipped with internal attachment loops for tool lanyards and tool retractors. The external pockets are designed for easy access and storage, and will fit larger tools or small drills.

The closure straps double as attachment points to suspend the bag on a rail. This feature is particularly useful in an EWP where it provides tool and equipment storage at waist height allowing the user easy access to tools and materials.

The unique design makes it suitable for use on most job sites where there is a risk of dropping tools.

Height Dynamics stock a large range of tethers, lanyards, and pouches and other equipment designed to eliminate the risk of dropped tools and other objects. For more information on the complete range of Tool Drop Solutions do not hesitate to contact our sales team.

Call Height Dynamics on 07 3862 2533