Geotechnical rope access

On rock faces and cliff-sides, our rope experts get the work done

  • ARAA-certified rope
    access operators
  • Qualified technicians
    and tradespeople
  • The difficult
    access specialists

When you need work performed on an exposed vertical surface or a tall structure a certified rope access technician is the easiest way to get things done — safer, faster and more-efficient alternative than scaffolding, EWPs or cranes.

What we do

Our people are highly capable specialists, combining rope access qualifications with just about any trade or technical qualification you could need for geotechnical work.

Rock scaling and slope stabilization

Slope surveys and engineer supervision

Vegetation removal

Check out these case studies


Provide access for geotechnical engineer to undertake slope and rock mapping, hand scale and slope stabilisation post landslide above tourist rail line.


Glouster Tunnel

Height Dynamics rope access team were able to access the natural slope above the rail tunnels to conduct scaling works.


Cunninghams Gap

Identify and scale high-risk boulders and vegetation which have potential to cause injury or death to any passing motorists.


Fully certified rope access operators

All our rope technicians and tradespeople are ARAA-certified rope access operators with Level One, Level Two or Level Three certification to perform work at heights.

Our rope access work clients include

Height Dynamics has more than 10 years of experience in providing safe efficient rope access services for an enormous variety of industries — mining, oil and gas, transport and logistics, food processing, property management and civil construction and infrastructure.

I want to know more

about a rope access work. Please call me.