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SafetyLink TempLink – Temporary Anchor


Temporary Roof Anchor Point

The Safetylink TempLink is a temporary roof anchoring device that can be installed onto a metal or tile roof. It is ideal for any person wishing to don roof maintenance where there is no permanent safety anchors.

This new height safety anchor point design incorporates the same stand out features of all our height safety anchors maximising energy absorption. Thisn dynamic design reduces the load back onto the structure and the person attached to the temporary roof anchor.

A fall is never an anticipated event therefore the direction of your fall cannot be accurately predicted. The Safetylink TempLink is designed and testedn as a multidirectional anchor.

  • Rated at 22kN.
  • One person anchor.
  • Energy absorbing anchor.
  • Tested to Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1891.4.