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Ladder Access and Platform Upgrade

Katt Ladder with Foldown Platform

Modular KATT ladder system an economical solution to non-compliant roof access

A Milton business discovered its existing roof access system was non-compliant with current standards and left maintenance workers unprotected and exposed to hazards.

In particular, there was limited fall protection in place to protect maintenance workers while opening the hatch from above or below.

This is common on older buildings — legacy, non-compliant ladders create safety issues that owners and tenants can remain unaware of for years.

The business asked Height Dynamics to scope and install a new, regulations-compliant aluminium caged ladder system.

After analysing the site, Height Dynamics suggested the modular KATT ® ladder developed by Sayfa Access Systems.

Katt® is a highly customisable system that provides safe and easy access to elevated areas such as rooftops, ceiling spaces and maintenance platforms. Manufactured to Australian Standard AS/NZS 1657:2013, it can be easily configured to add (or remove) enclosed cages or ladder fall arrest systems depending on ladder height and application.

Using Katt® meant that building the replacement roof access system on-site was simple. This ensured it met the constraints (and specific safety needs) of the building.

Height Dynamics installed a change-in-level platform on the roof-mounted plant area and skylight protectors on surfaces that were identified as fragile.

An upgraded roof hatch and a fall prevention handrail system was installed with a self-closing gate. The upgrade also included a ladder fold-down platform so workers would remain safe when opening and closing the roof hatch. The new installation now allows safe compliant roof access for building maintenance contractors.

Contact Height Dynamics to review your roof access systems.