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Difficult Rope Access Team nails the Dry Well Challenge

Difficult Rope Access Work in Wet Well

With dry wells, there’s only one way in and one way out – and it’s vertical! Typically from a small opening at the top of what is a super-tall, ultra-narrow, fully-enclosed, cylindrical structure. In other words, a claustrophobically confined space.

The Dry Well Challenge

Such a space makes access for people, equipment and machinery difficult and dangerous at the best of times. So when our client wanted to replace their existing dry well height safety infrastructure, they were stumped.

Scaffolding was near impossible to install. The use of a man basket had proved inefficient and difficult to manage. Cranes offered limited mobility due to the vertical access point.

Detaching and lifting out existing infrastructure was, therefore, dangerous work. And that was before confronting the challenge of installing a new dry well height safety system – spiral stairs winding down the circumference of the inside vertical wall.

That’s when they called us – and we’re so glad they did. These difficult, dangerous jobs in confined spaces – with seemingly no easy solution – give us a chance to do our very best work.

Our Height Safety Solution

To successfully navigate the risks and limitations of the space and access, we deployed our difficult rope access team. Skilled and confident in confined spaces, they quickly found the best way forward. Liaising closely with the site’s primary contractor – and supported by our standby rescue team – they quickly got to work.

  • The first step was installing a mechanical rigging system and rope access equipment. This allowed our difficult rope access operators to move quickly and safely in and out of the well.
  • Then they split into teams. Those inside the well evacuated the existing height safety system (a ladder and platforms) attached to the inside wall.
  • Meanwhile, difficult rope access operators outside the well organised the new infrastructure into sections. This ensured it was ready for a step-by-step, bottom-up installation. They then managed the transit of each piece into the well.
  • Finally, operators inside the well installed the new spiral staircase system. As accredited height safety system installers, they were also able to certify it as compliant and ready for use.

A Happy Client and Upgraded Dry Well

Calling in Height Dynamics gave our client immediate access to difficult rope access expertise, equipment and services they did not have on-site.

Talking with our confined space experts allowed the primary contractor to see there was a better, faster, safer solution to the dry well challenge.

Utilising our specialist difficult rope access team ensured the job was completed safely, efficiently and quickly with cost and risks minimised.

The dry well now has upgraded, compliant height safety infrastructure that is easier and safer to use for all staff and contractors going forward.


Dealing with your own Challenge?

Get in touch and get immediate access to our full range of height safety solutions and services. You don’t have to deal with difficult access sites and confined spaces alone. We’re the height safety experts you need, so call Height Dynamics today.