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These articles are here to keep you up to date with the latest industry news and height safety legislation, as well as showcase new product releases and promotions

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Plus there’s our personal favourite: “Dangerous Things We See Onsite".

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Dangerous Installations


The Height Dynamics compliance/audit team inspect a number of anchors and systems in the course of their daily duties. Increasingly they are coming across unsafe and uncompliant height safety anchors and static lifelines being installed as fall arrest systems on roofs. These unsafe installations aren’t discovered until either the installation is inspected for height safety compliance by an experienced and suitably qualified company or someone using the system raises their concerns regarding its safety and commissions a height safety audit.

Height Dynamics recommends that only suitably experienced, certified and approved companies are performing the installation of fall arrest systems to protect employees when working at height.

Below are some examples that the Height Dynamics compliance/audit team have come across.

Photo 1 – This roof safety anchor point was riveted to the flashing at the edge of a roof and rated for 2 person fall arrest (approx. 2100kg), does not comply with manufacturer’s installation instructions.

Photo 2 – This roof safety anchor point was screwed to timber battens using only 2 screws and rated for 2 person fall arrest (approx. 2100kg). Correct installation requires 2 screws and 8 x 8mm rivets.
Photo 3 and 4 – Installed and certified by a licensed height safety company for a large company with multiple sites. Horizontal life line and anchor point were installed incorrectly, both were rated for 2 person (approx. 2100kg), does not comply with manufacturers installation instructions.

The manufacturers of these products have all condemned the installations in writing and requested they be removed from the buildings immediately. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that these installations would have failed if subjected to a fall, potentially causing serious injury or fatality to persons working at heights. This is a very small example of the large number and types of dangerous installations being installed as fall protection. 

Make sure your site is compliant. Contact Height Dynamics to perform a height safety audit today.

Call Height Dynamics on 07 3862 2533