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These articles are here to keep you up to date with the latest industry news and height safety legislation, as well as showcase new product releases and promotions

It’s meant to be everything you need to know about height safety, confined space and rescue all conveniently in one place.

Plus there’s our personal favourite: “Dangerous Things We See Onsite".

Call Height Dynamics on 07 3862 2533 with your technical questions

Confined Spaces Strike Again

Another confined space tragedy unfolded a few weeks back. A father and two sons were fatally injured from inhaling toxic gases inside of storage tank on a farm east of Melbourne. The father was using ammonia to clean the inside of the tank. A chemical reaction starved him of oxygen and he passed out. His two sons ran in to help, who then also passed out from the fumes.

Seven out of ten deaths in a confined space are due to adverse atmospheres

This is a prime example of how quickly a confined space can become a hazardous environment and why constant gas monitoring should be undertaken even if you are only going in for a few minutes. Anyone working in an enclosed space should be trained to assess the risks associated with that space. They should be trained to use confined space equipment competently. This may include the use of breathing apparatus and gas detection equipment to check the safety of the atmosphere.

Height Dynamics recommends that all persons that enter a confined space attend our 2 Day Enter Confined Space Training Course. This comprehensively designed course is for persons who are required to enter and work in confined spaces. The theoretical component of this training covers the responsibilities of standby personnel, how to manage the risks and associated hazards and how to work in accordance with a permit. The second day of the course is heavily focused on the practical skills that are required to safely work in a confined space using a variety of processes and equipment.

Height Dynamics offer a full range of training courses.  We are also able to conduct a site specific course for your workers. In doing so, problems specific to your site are addressed as the training is taking place.

Contact Height Dynamics today for more information on our Confined Space Training courses.

Call Height Dynamics on 07 3862 2533