
Bringing you the latest in height safety news!

  • Industry news
  • Legislative updates
  • Product releases and promos

These articles are here to keep you up to date with the latest industry news and height safety legislation, as well as showcase new product releases and promotions

It’s meant to be everything you need to know about height safety, confined space and rescue all conveniently in one place.

Plus there’s our personal favourite: “Dangerous Things We See Onsite".

Call Height Dynamics on 07 3862 2533 with your technical questions

Confined Space Quiz

Confined Space Quiz

Many workers operate in confined spaces every year. Each of these spaces have unique hazards and risks that need assessing. Safety professionals have much to consider to ensure that proper procedures are in place before workers enter confined spaces.

Do you work in a confined space at your job? Want to learn more about confined space hazards?

This confined space quiz will test your knowledge about the hazards, risk factors, safety and principles of confined spaces. Test your knowledge below – how much do you really know?

Complete this form to get the correct answers and a one-off discount code for use on our online store