Safety Standards Quiz

Take our Safety Standards Quiz to get up-to-speed on new or changed Australian Standards governing everyday height safety gear
Category: Quiz
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Take our Safety Standards Quiz to get up-to-speed on new or changed Australian Standards governing everyday height safety gear
Take our Fall Clearance Quiz – a short but fun and easy way to think and work through different fall clearance scenarios and calculations.
Not every helmet covers all of your height-related risks. So before you get off the ground, take our Helmet Safety Quiz.
According to Safe Work Australia, 15% of all workplace fatalities and serious injuries are caused by falls from ladders.
That’s why it’s important to know your limits when it comes to ladders.
So take our Ladder Safety Quiz and test your knowledge today – plus get a discount voucher to spend at our online store.
Take our Height Safety Trivia Quiz – made up of 10 quick-fire questions drawn from recent blogs – and you’ll get 5% off your next online purchase.