Temporary Roof Anchors for Roof Workers

How to select suitable Temporary Roof Anchors and get the number and placement of anchors right for your site.
Category: Equipment
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How to select suitable Temporary Roof Anchors and get the number and placement of anchors right for your site.
Petzl promises to help you “access the inaccessible”. And we can promise that their product range really delivers. But did you know, Petzl pioneered the products that make vertical rope access work possible today? Find out more about this fascinating height safety super-brand
If you work at height — or purchase height safety equipment — read on to find out how to shop in-line with Australia’s updated fall arrest device standards
The new Australian Standard for lanyards and pole straps aims to strengthen equipment and ensure it performs to the highest possible standards when in-use
In a real life fall-from-height rescue, every minute is critical – so you need to be rescue ready. Here are five ways to stress-test, road-test and fine-tune your fall-from-height rescue plan like a pro