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Rope Access Training

Guy Pearce | December 17, 2016

Height Dynamics is excited to announce that our new training facility at Kedron has been completed. Height Dynamics offer a range of height safety, rope rescue, rope access and confined space training courses. The facility will allow our trainers to expose students with a practical experience that translates across to the work environment. The Kedron […]

Categories: Training

Rescue Descenders

Guy Pearce | July 2, 2016

There are a variety of descenders available on the market. Most of these descenders are rated to between 140 to 200 kg. This rating is ideal for single person, but may not be suitable for evacuation of two persons in a rescue scenario. These descenders usually require extra friction (e.g. directing the rope through additional […]

Categories: Equipment Tags: , ,

Fall Arrest vs Fall Restraint

Guy Pearce | June 12, 2016

The Standard AS/NZS 1891.4 2009 has omitted “total restraint” and the use of “restraint equipment” from its scope. It states that it “aims to prevent fall arrest situations being misclassified as total restraint and the consequential provision of inappropriate protection systems.” In place of the “restraint system” that the previous Standard allowed, the standard now […]

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What Fall Arrest Harness Should I Choose?

Guy Pearce | May 1, 2016

Before purchasing a fall arrest harness buyers should note that they are not all the same. A compliance level harness will have limited or no extra features while a specialty harness will have unique features to meet specific applications or non-standard environments. The following points should be considered when purchasing a harness. What tasks do […]

Categories: Equipment Tags: , , ,

Why Use Rope Access?

Guy Pearce | March 13, 2016

The low impact and versatility of a rope access team can mean that jobs normally requiring extensive scaffolding, road and pedestrian traffic control, expensive labour costs and disruption to tenants, can be done quickly and efficiently with limited disruption at a comparatively low cost. This was recently highlighted when a customer approached Height Dynamics to […]

Categories: Rope Access Tags: ,